Friday, November 28, 2008


So today is the day after thanksgiving. It is a a really welcome break from all the madness that is medical school. I am so happy not to have to wake up at 6am in the morning everyday! Unfortunately, that is all coming to an end on Monday, but at least for the moment there is nothing for me to do or worry about.

So, Courtney and I had a very good holiday, probably as good as it could be considering we are 3,000 miles from our family on the #1 family holiday of the year. I spent the morning completing some surprisingly long computer based training so I can begin working at the VA Hospital next month. Once Courtney and Drac finally roused from their night's slept, Courtney and I went to the Ronald McDonald House to volunteer for the 1st part of the afternoon. We helped cook dinner for the 16 or so families that are staying there this holiday because they have a sick child at the hospital. We were in charge of the mashed potatoes :) We didn't get to meet many of the families, it turns out that the zoo was giving free admission on Thanksgiving so most of the families were taking advantage of the distraction. However, we did get to see some rambunctious kids running around and it felt nice to do something for someone else on the holiday.

After making the dinner, and coming home briefly to decompress, we went out to dinner at a restaurant around the corner called 3 Square Grill. It was absolutely delicious! We had our turkey, of course, but we also had two different stuffings (corn bread and oyster) as well as delicious potatoes, cranberry relish and a wonderful ginger cake for desert. Courtney said she never ate so much in her life! Well, she paid for it later with a tummy ache that is still hanging on today. Oh well, I guess that is the price you have to pay sometimes.

Anyway, hope that your holidays went well. I am steeling myself for the last few weeks of school before holiday break. The new class is brutal. Just had an exam on Wednesday, and the class average was a 75. That is where I was (I seem to always get the class average!) after studying for it for 5 days. Just doesn't seem right, no? Anyway, we have another exam in this class before xmas break and that is it for a while. I have to start keeping a journal again starting next week, so be on the lookout for some more "healthcare themed" blogs coming your way.

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